Protecting Lone Workers
At the site, lone workers are always susceptible to the risk of robbery, burglary, injury, attack, and numerous other damages. Due to these risks and threats, they are unable to focus on their projects appropriately. So, it is the employer’s legal and moral duty to take reasonable measurements to mitigate the risks so that the lone workers feel a sense of safety and security. Ultimately protecting lone workers.
The lone workers’ protection is a fantastic investment that delivers peace of mind at the job site, maintains transparency, uplifts productivity, provides relaxation, and retains efficient workers. Eventually, the responsiveness, flexibility, remote working, and technology increase at the worksite.
Therefore, for a long-lasting, hassle-free, and reliable Protecting Lone Workers System, many companies prefer to contact a top-notch security management company, such as Dacha SSI. Dacha helps the companies to trailor the security measurements according to their lone workers’ needs.
Below are the most practical and proven risk-reducing controls of safety management programs that Healthcare Security Companies, Education Security Companies, and many others are adopting.
Protecting Lone Workers – Valuable Tips & Tricks
Lone workers are part of every organization, working alone full-time or as a side job, so their safety should be a significant consideration. Every organization should work on the strategies and devices that they can adopt for the protection of lone workers.
- Identify Hazards
The first step that a company can do for their lone worker is recognizing the anticipated threats of their lone workers’ site. Regardless of where your lone workers’ team is operating, food kiosk, utility substation, laboratory, water treatment plant, or warehouse, it is integral to understand the possible hazards they can encounter.
Identifying the obvious job site hazards help the lone workers to stay safe. For instance, if the lone workers’ team is working near industrial locations or combustible materials, you should determine the expected threats and buy secure devices to remove the risk of sparks.
- Assess Risks
Besides identifying the security hazards, the assessment of the various situations and talking with the workers is also helpful.
The risk assessment can be done in the following ways:
- For understanding the lone workers work potential risks, evaluation of the job site, job hazards, and job practices are also compulsory
- Analyze the area where the incidents had happened in the past or the areas that are at the risk of severity
- Review worker exposure if there is any breakdown or collusion on the site
- Ensure that the workers have unrestricted access to entering and exiting the site
- To get the lone worker’s input, the companies need to take the survey or talk to the lone workers
The risk assessment gives a clear road map for making management decisions on a case-by-case basis.
- Prohibit Certain Tasks
You need to prevent the tasks or the type of work that are prone to the risk of injuries and fatalities. If, due to certain tasks, the health or safety of the worker is jeopardized, don’t let them work.
Meanwhile, the lone workers also need a certain level of supervision.
- Don’t Forget About Management And Auditing
Embedding the surrounding with the latest technology is not enough, but a regular risk assessment and auditing are also crucial. The risk assessment will provide you with a clear idea to understand whether your previously installed security is currently reliable or not.
Thus, to assess the efficiency of the security system, conducting annual program audits is recommended.
- Devices For Real-World Lone Working Scenarios
Lone workers’ dependence on the phone call is not enough, particularly if they are in the areas where the signal issues are frequent.
The lone workers need appropriate check-in-sessions, precise monitoring, GPS tracking, low battery warnings, panic buttons, etc., that can inform you about the risks and unwanted situations in a timely manner.
The following devices you can use for your lone workers’ safety and security:
- Access Control System
For the protection of the lone worker, incorporating Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) is a helpful step as it keeps check and balance on the person entering or exiting the particular site. Dacha SSI can develop the most user-friendly and cost-effective access management system anywhere you want.
To develop more understanding about the access control system
- Intruder Alarm
A well-designed security intruder alarm system is also a fantastic way of detecting and deterring intrusion. If this alarm system detects any irrelevant or unauthorized entry at a site, it will trigger a response.
So, a well-fitted and maintained alarm system can make the lone workers less vulnerable to vandalism, burglary, or any other attack.
- Satellite Devices
Lone workers work in mobile areas where the signals are often weak, so satellite devices are helpful for them. They can connect to the team through these devices any time when needed.
- Group Alert System
If any violation against the company code of ethics happens, the group alert system helps the employees to report the company. The group can also complain about the behavior and practices that are against the laws and regulations of the company or public interest.
- Electronic Safety Device (ESD)
It is a compact and portable emergency device that a lone worker can carry to remote places. It is easy to use and activate quickly. Lone workers can use this device to summon prompt assistance.
- Analytics
By installing a suitable security device, you can also predict future threats. Analytics report you and provide helpful information about the expected incidents in the future, so you can proactively manage them. So this way, you can improve your security and protect your lone workers from mishaps.
Pick the Right Safety Management Team
If you want to monitor your lone workers, you don’t need to rush for any expensive solution but the smart range of devices that are often already in your office. To install the security systems, you need to take the assistance of an experienced safety management team because every company is not capable of managing the vast and latest security system.
You need to reach a company with up-to-date security resources and expert support to drive the results at your organization or any random work site. You can take the help of Dacha SSI, which is a leading security company with the most competent staff.
The team of Dacha security system helps in the physical security of every company, staff, and lone worker by introducing and incorporating the latest technologies.
So, if you are looking for customized Healthcare Security Solutions, Hospital Security Solutions, or Education Security Solutions, you can confidently hire the services of Dacha Security System. Undoubtedly, it is an exceptional way for implementing an updated and integrated safety management program to systematically address the risks.
Our Summary
Lone workers are always vulnerable to security hazards because they serve in circumstances where security assistance is less or unavailable. So, the companies must develop a unique yet reliable protection system for lone workers; in addition, the workers should also have access to and understanding of that system.
So, you should also work on the above-discussed security strategies and develop a physical security system for the safety of your lone workers. However, if you still have any confusion related to lone workers’ security management, you can contact us and discuss your every query with the most professional and experienced Dacha team.