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Dacha UK

CCTV Analogue & IP Considerations

Tuesday August 15, 2023

CCTV Analogue & IP Considerations

The analogue CCTV system was once considered the industry standard, however, as technology advances IP-based systems have become increasingly popular. This has mainly been due to the improved accuracy and detail of image quality provided by IP systems. Many analogue cameras are now being replaced with IP cameras which have a range of features such as ultra-high resolution images, night vision capabilities and pan/tilt/zoom functions.

IP CCTV is becoming more affordable than ever before and can offer businesses greater security for their premises or event venues. By upgrading analogue CCTV to IP, organizations can benefit from improved video surveillance capabilities and increased storage capacity. With an IP based system, data is stored on servers rather than physically taped recordings like analogue footage used to be captured on. This makes it easier to retrieve and search for footage should an incident occur.

The installation of IP CCTV also allows remote access, allowing businesses the ability to monitor their premises or event venues from anywhere in the world using a mobile device or laptop. This helps to make security monitoring far more efficient and user-friendly as users can view footage in real time and remotely control cameras if they need to focus on a specific area.

Overall, analogue CCTV is no longer considered the standard, with IP systems becoming increasingly popular due to their improved image quality, enhanced storage capacity and remote accessibility features. Upgrading analogue CCTV to IP provides companies with improved protection of their premises or event venues and greater peace of mind knowing that their assets are secure.

This article has been written to provide general information about the benefits of upgrading analogue CCTV to IP and should not be construed as professional advice. Consulting with an experienced security specialist is highly recommended before making any decisions regarding your CCTV system.